According to the World Health Organization, the continent of Africa is listed as having the highest rate of drowning in the world. Learning to swim is a life-or-death skill essential for every child. Studies show that benefiting from swimming education programs at an early age contribute to the reduction of drowning risks and promotion of healthy lifestyles. Hence, the need for swimming education programs and the organization of a 2-day swimming camp in Yaoundé, Cameroon by NO LIMIT INTERNATIONAL on July 27 – July 28, 2022. Swimsuits were provided by the NGO to more than thirty children in attendance for their first experience in water activities. Speaking during the session, Mr. Paul Yoga, technical supervisor of swimming for the national swimming federation and coach for the camp said that the purpose of the camp is to give the opportunity to the beginning learners to discover water and engage in fun activities that teaches them fundamentals of swimming but most importantly, remove the fear of water. “I want to thank NO LIMIT INTERNATIONAL for providing this opportunity to the youth because many children drown because of the fear of water. This type of activity encourages and motivates them to learn swimming techniques and gain valuable life skills”, Mr. Yoga concluded. The children spent 4 hours each day in the water learning how to use their hands and legs to move around water while having fun with each other in a camaraderie atmosphere. 


At the end of the camp, learners were excited and joyful participants, “I am so happy that I was invited to this camp. I used to be so scared of water and today, I am proud of myself because I stayed in the water and used my legs to learn how to float. I thank NO LIMIT INTERNATIONAL for this opportunity” Nina Kemgo. Another camp participant wished that this type of opportunity can occur regularly in the community “swimming is an expensive sport. You must afford swimming equipment and access fees to a swimming pool. To be here today without paying any fees and learning to swim and be able to go home with my swimsuit is a dream come true. I’ve always wanted to learn how to swim but my parents couldn’t afford the cost for it. I thank the NGO for the opportunity and hope that they can organize more events like this one so that we can become confident swimmers”, said Eric Tamo, a camp participant. The camp ended with an award ceremony where Ms. Orlyanka Tantchou, Co-Founder NO LIMIT INTERNATIONAL handed certificates of encouragement to the learners and seized the opportunity to share the purpose and objectives of the camp. “Swimming is a fun and engaging sport activity that should be accessible to all children. By organizing water safety programs in Africa, we want to promote swimming as a lifesaving skill for all but also an Olympic sport for the youth. Let’s teach the children of Africa the skills and techniques they need in the swimming pools to dream of becoming the next legends of the swimming competition at the Olympic games”. Said Ms. Orlyanka to conclude the ceremony.